Thursday, October 10, 2019

Jalisco, Mexico | 2019

A place i've always dreamed of taking Jayleen because I wanted to know her roots. Well half of them because her daddy is Salvadorian. I wanted her to experience things I did when my parents took us to visit when we were little. 
So when my mom asked me if I wanted to go with her for her check up (she has varicose veins that she gets treated over there) I did not hesitate. I was so excited to be going back after 10 years, last time I had gone was with my aunt and I was 17. So we bought our tickets and counted down the days. The downside was my husband wasn't able to take off work this time around so it was just going to be myself and Jayleen taking the flight to Guadalajara alone because my mom had left 2 weeks earlier to start her treatments. Luckily my younger brother overheard and offered to go with me so I wouldn't be alone. He's the best!
The day came and we were headed off to the homeland! When we got there my mom was waiting for us and our uncle Juan. We got our things and went to his house where they had prepared a yummy ceviche! We spent some time there and then headed to one of the bigger malls there in Guadalajara to walk and shop a little. Honestly didn't even feel like I was in Mexico because I was so use to the smaller towns and just walking to the local stores. But it was all still so nice!
Then our cousin Juanito picked us up to take us to a restaurant that overlooks Guadalajara, it was so beautiful and the food was amazing. I seriously miss it so much! It's something I always crave lol. There is nothing like the food in Mexico!

Plaza Andares. (Mall)

(Overlook going to a restaurant)

The second day we made a day trip to where my grandparents have their home. It's in a beautiful town called Mazamitla. We stopped to see my grandfather's tomb there (he passed away in a car accident a few years ago) and it was the hardest thing ever. This was the first time I was seeing it so I think the fact that I never had made me believe in my head he wasn't really gone. But once there it was a different story. We miss him so much and life just hasn't been the same without him. 
We left and headed to get a bite to eat and it was actually at his favorite restaurant there. The food was delicious but the cafe de olla was on another level! I have been trying to recreate it since we've been back lol.
We then spent sometime in the plaza walking around and buying all the treats lol from cajeta to chongos (if you know lol). After we just headed to our grandparents house which they still own and my grandma is there very frequently but unfortunately wasn't when we went. It's such a beautiful house and my grandfather made it so we all have a place to stay at when visiting. He loved his family more than anything and loved when we all got together. We spent the night talking until 12am and mostly if I am being honest was because we had no cell service. But I am glad we didn't because it was just so nice. We definitely need to put our phones down more frequently! & enjoy the little things!

Mango and Apple with Chili for a road trip snack.

Slept Most of the Way

Grandfather's Beautiful Tomb

Restaurante El Charco

Plaza en Mazamitla

Treats in Mazamitla

Iglesia en Mazamitla

Grandparents House

In the morning we headed back to Guadalajara because we were going to Tequila with Juanito and we had a reservation at Jose Cuervo to learn about the process. We got back just in time to leave because it's a 3 hour drive from Mazamitla and a 2 hour drive to Tequila so we were cutting it close lol. But we made it and the tour turned out to be a private tour just for us which was amazing because we could take our time but in most cases get done really fast because with a toddler you can't be in one area for to long without them getting bored lol. The girl we had did an amazing job at teaching us about the whole process and even taught us how to drink tequila the correct way which was mind blowing lol. At the end of the tour they made us a meal that included four different things. My favorite was the torta ahogada. It was amazing! 
After the tour we just spent some time in the plaza and let Jayleen get on a few rides they had set up there. Her highlight of the day for sure lol.

Jose Cuervo Tour



We headed back to check into our hotel. Which by the way if you ever visit Guadalajara the Ac Hotel by Marriott is amazing! Their food & pool were incredible! 
The rest of our time in Guadalajara were spent visiting near by towns like Tonala & Tlaquepaque which were filled with art and cute artisan shops along with amazing food, snacks & desserts!
We also visited the center of Guadalajara and ate at a vegan spot that was called La Flaca per my brother's request. It was amazing and honestly you couldn't tell the difference between real meat and theirs!


La Chata 



Downtown Guadalajara (El Centro)

 Food from Stands


La Flaca Restaurant

It was such a beautiful trip filled with amazing time with family, amazing food and all the beautiful scenery at every town we visited. I am so happy Jayleen got to experience it all and I can't wait to come back with my husband one day!

Hope you enjoyed this little glimpse of Jalisco,

xoxo, JazminH

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