Friday, October 11, 2019

Fall Festivities | 2019

My favorite season is finally here! Although some days it still feels a little warm out but that's living in Georgia for you lol. We may have a really chilly day one day and the next it's in the 80's. It's crazy but that's why I love taking advantage of the days it's cooler out to take Jayleen on our yearly fall adventures!
The first place I took her shortly after we got back from Mexico was Burt's Pumpkin Farm and Fausett Farmers Sunflowers. We do this every year since she has been born. And it's bitter sweet to compare each year because she is just growing up way to fast. We decorate our porch with pumpkins every year & this is where we get them. The sunflower field is just a fun little pit stop along the way. Jayleen loves being able to just run around and explore lol.

Just a girl & her pumpkins lol.

That night we also decided to go to the Gwinnett County Fair with family and Jayleen had a blast! She rode her first little roller coaster and I was so surprised she actually loved it! We also had funnel cake and french fries for Jayleen (big french fry fan lol). It got so chilly that night that we had to wear jackets and sweaters which was so nice especially since it's been so hot out before!

Yes another fair lol but last minute we heard that the Cumming Fair was going to have free admission on a Thursday so my husband insisted on us going because of how much Jayleen loves it. So we went and it was so packed with people! Jayleen still had a blast and was so patient waiting for each ride. I finally got a hold of a caramel apple which are my favorite and it was so good, Jayleen really enjoyed it as well! We also took her to see the animals there which she was so fascinated with lol. So happy my husband got us to go!



The Saturday after the fair myself and the girls decided to take the kids to the Buford Corn Maze and let me just say it has improved so much over the years! It has so many activities for kids now and it looks like they are still constructing new areas. It was so nice to spend time with them and it's crazy to think how we all have littles now. I grew up with these ladies and I love it so much that we are closer then ever now. I legit consider them my sisters! & I can't wait to post on all our coming fall activities because we have so many planned lol! 


I seriously just noticed we did 3 outings in one week lol. What a week it's been lol. But we are sure taking advantage of this weather lol. So on Sunday we decided to take Jayleen apple picking to a spot we took her last year which is called B.J Reese Orchards. This year was so much better for sure! While it was fun last year too, Jayleen had only picked maybe 2 or 3 apples by herself. But this year she picked them all! It was definitely because this year she was able to reach so many and a lot of them had branches that were really low so Jayleen had no problem. We also rode a little cow barrel ride and let Jayleen go into the petting zoo. It was such a nice day! By the time we left it had gotten so packed! So make sure to try to go out early or go on the weekday.




Last but not least. My best friend invited Jayleen and myself back to the orchard so she can pick some apples and while we were at it we went to the pumpkin farm as well to ride the hayride. One thing we hadn't done before because we didn't see it was go down this huge slide at the orchard, literally my girl lives for the thrills lol because I went on it and it was pretty scary and steep. But Jayleen got on like nothing and went on multiple times! We also got pastries and if I could recommend one thing it would be the fried apple pie, OMG amazing! After we headed to the pumpkin patch near by and rode the hayride which both Carolina & I agree we could have fell asleep lol, it was so relaxing! 


It's been such a great start to this season and I can't wait for all the activities planned for the following months! Which of course I'll be sharing here as well! Hope you enjoyed this fall post!

xoxo, JazminH

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