Monday, October 26, 2015

New York City / Long Island

Another great trip to NY & this time we decided to take our siblings because when it comes down to it, if we don't take them out who will. Both my husband's parents & my parents have become very busy & just don't have the energy to be taking them out as much as they use to. I remember when I was younger my parents would take us out so much and now that they embarked on a new career line then they have been extra busy so I want my little brother to have the same memories as I did growing up. & to see the joy on their faces was truly the best part of the trip. 

Our first stop on the trip was to visit my husband's cousin up north & while there we also stopped to hike a beautiful mountain which was tiring but the view was totally worth it!

Now this time around we went to explore lower Manhattan & it was like discovering a treasure every corner we turned. I think lower Manhattan just has more places that I am really into like unique shops & coffee shops every corner & not just your typical coffee shops. Oh & the buildings! I am a sucker for old buildings & this is where I found so many. I truly have an appreciation for how builders would construct these detailed works of art, I mean don't get me wrong I love me some good modern design but there is something about old buildings that draw you in like a storybook. It really as a sight to see.

Some of our trip was also spent in my husband's home town in Long Island. Being a nature girl myself this is always where I feel most home at lol. I love the ocean & small towns so Long Island defiantly has all that in one. It's super calm & relaxing. & I will never get tired of taking a afternoon stroll with my hunny on the beach, ahhhh the best feeling.

This trip was an amazing one & one for the books. Loved every little bit of it!

Montauk | Day 1

Lobster Roll (the best ever!)

Hillsong NY | Day 2

New York Public Library


Times Square

Up State New York | Day 3

Cold Springs Harbor Train Station | Day 4


Brooklyn Bridge

One World Trade Center


Little Italy

Pastry filled with gelato 

Flatiron Building

NY Pizza | Day 5

The Highline

Chelsea Market


Grand Central Station

Robert Moses Park | Day 6



xoxo, JazminH
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